At the beginning of March, the first round guided tour was overwhelming. Following the success of the last event, the HKIS held the second round guided tour in Wan Chai district. It was supported by Friends of Heritage (FoH) and the public. The surveyors led the tours to appreciate the historic buildings of the district and learn the importance of the maintenance of the buildings.
Please click here for the event press release.
Date & Time
2019 Apr 27 Sat
10:00AM - 12:30PM
Assemble Point
Hong Kong House of Stories (G/F, 72A Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, HK)
Tour Route Map

1. The Blue House Cluster

2. Pak Tai Temple

3. Wanchai Market

4. Old Wan Chai Post Office

5. Hung Shing Temple

6. 186, 188, 190 Queen's Road East

7. 18 Ship Street

8. 60-66 Johnston Road

9. 7 Mallory Street

1. The Blue House Cluster

3. Wanchai Market

5. Hung Shing Temple

7. 18 Ship Street

9. 7 Mallory Street

2. Pak Tai Temple

4. Old Wan Chai Post Office

6. 186, 188, 190 Queen's Road East

8. 60-66 Johnston Road